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Limerick o' the Day

Ah, the Limerick.

The Rodney Dangerfield of poetry.

A five line stanza in spondaic hexameter, alternating with amphibrachs and amphimacers. (huh?)

First seen in 1846, in London, in Edward Lear's Book of Nonsense.

Limericks proudly broke into what had been the one, unbroachable frontier in proper English society: smut.

They are the vehicle for what is unspeakable. The topics they embrace include: virginity, the clergy, organs (and not the musical kind), sexual substitutes, animal husbandry (rather aptly named, if you think about it), prostitution, excrement, and diseases.

This page does not break with that tradition. Although, we do try to make allowances where possible. We do ask one thing of you...

Heed the Oracle


"If came ye here to find words of glee,

(If you're lookin' for some yuks,)

Then Providence, truly, sent ye to me.

(You came to the right place,)

If thy humor cannot bide debauch or kink,

(But, if dirty jokes ain't yo' thang...)

Seek not the mirth beyond yon hyperlink."

(Beat it!)


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Limerick o' the Day

All material from The Limerick, edited by G. Legman, Bell Publishing Co., 1969
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